Empowering Students for the Future: Career Talks and Fair

Empowering Students for the Future: Career Talks and Fair

The Guidance Office of Hope Christian High School organized a series of activities to prepare students for their future careers.

The Career Talk featured distinguished alumni and guest speakers from various fields, who shared their expertise and career journeys in 30 to 45-minute plenary sessions. These talks aimed to inspire students and provide insights into future career path.

The Career Orientation and Fair connected students with representatives from universities and colleges, offering information on academic programs, admissions, and campus life. Students attended focused college talks, explored interactive booth exhibits, and asked questions to help guide their decision making.

These initiatives equipped students with knowledge and confidence, empowering them to make informed choices about their future track and career paths.

#HopeChristianHighSchool #DevelopingLeadersForGodAndMan #LifelongLearners #IBWorldSchool #TGBTG #ToGodBeTheGlory #CareerFair #CareerFair2024 #CareerFairAwareness #CareerTalks #EmpoweringStudents #EmpoweringStudentsfortheFuture